Margo Wickersham

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Mastermind Groups Can Produce Outrageous Ideas With Crazy Good Results

Entrepreneurs Choose masterminds to help explode their business

You're an entrepreneur considering a mastermind group to help you boost the growth of your business. You're time is limited and the options seem limitless. How do you decide if a mastermind is for you. As Steven Covey, author of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" famously wrote, "begin with the end in mind." Identifying the outcomes you want from the experience of participating in a mastermind is step number one. Below are the top four outcomes most entrepreneurs seek from mastermind membership. If you have others, please share them with me in the comments below.

Expert advice comes from highly successful business owners sharing through a mastermind

Getting help from successful entrepreneurs who have already faced and solved the same problems you face is at the top of the list. Adams says masterminds are a "rare opportunity for networking and getting one-on-one help at the highest level with the exact people who can deliver the fastest and most proven systems". True. And problem solving with people who aren't exactly like you opens up solutions you may never have considered. Often, those are the best ones for your business.

Networking with highly respected influencers

Entrepreneurs participating in masterminds can benefit from networking with other committed, growing business owners in the group. Informal and a formal mentorship programs are often available and can provide immense value to members. Masterminds provide an excellent way for business owners to make more selective decisions about where to spend their networking time. Meetups and other regular events can be great for meeting new people and expanding your network, especially when starting out. Once entrepreneurs have a network, they often want to refine the focus of those they want to add to their tribe and masterminds are an excellent way to do that.

Community of entrepreneurs show share your values

Solopreneurs are especially vulnerable to the echo chamber effect. Even introverted business owners need feedback from people outside their own heads. Finding a community that is healthy and helpful can be challenging. Masterminds can be a fertile place to find a nurturing community of success minded business people.

Creativity that is exponentially more explosive in a mastermind group of bright professionals

Two are better than one, when it comes to brainstorming. "When you start discussing ideas as a group, you'll naturally feed off of each other and discover more things. This can be especially helpful for brainstormers such as artists who often do their work solo." In his post, "10 Longtime Brainstorming Techniques That Still Work," John Boitnott describes the benefits of using group ideation Storming. We've all experienced the magic of the unexpected ideas that come from a group brainstorming session. My personal opinion is that this benefit is underrated and perhaps most valuable that comes from mastermind groups.