Top 5 Leadership Trends

Top 5 Leadership Trends

These are the top trends to watch for leadership and development in 2019. With workforce diversity continuing to expand, organizations and their managers have to pedal faster to keep up. This post shares the 5 most important keys to achieving a successful 2019.

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Why your retail store foot traffic is dropping and how to bring customers in

Why your retail store foot traffic is dropping and how to bring customers in

You know your sales go up the more your retail store foot traffic increases, but store visits are at an all-time low? Is everyone shopping for everything online now? Yes, they are.  71% of shoppers believe they’ll find better deals online.

The good news is that shoppers do still want an in-person experience as part of their buying process. And 94% of retail sales are still credited to brick-and-mortar stores.

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Success Mindset Secrets About Referrals From Sales Expert Elinor Stutz

Success Mindset Secrets About Referrals From Sales Expert Elinor Stutz

Concentrate on those friends and peers who share a success mindset, reciprocate and help one another achieve more. Strive to develop a dynamic network for the better opportunities to come forth.  When you do, you too will enjoy the chain of ‘pay it forward’ high quality referrals.  These lead to the Smooth Sale!

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